I was one of two designers who helped propel Wagr, a sports betting startup, to acquisition by Yahoo! Sports

Wagr / Yahoo! Sports

Designing sports betting and fantasy sports.


Product Designer


Figma, Origami Studio, Adobe CC




Sports betting, fantasy sports

I was one of two designers at Wagr, a sports betting startup.

Our mission was to make sports betting safer, and more social for sports fans.

We were the first company in US history to obtain a sports betting license for a social betting product. 

Working on a project deemed first in its category meant two things 1). A great deal of creative freedom was granted to explore this space and 2) responsibility to be keenly aware of social, legal, and monetary constraints. 

Breaking News: Yahoo! Sports acquires Wagr, a sports betting startup but decides to not build a sports betting platform because sports betting is risky. 

I now design for the Fantasy Sports team. 

While I'm under NDA, here are some designs that may hint to what I've been working on.

Key takeaways

Reddit is an excellent resource for guerilla research

When I transitioned from working on sports betting to fantasy sports at Yahoo!, I utilized the communities on Reddit, which are saturated with sports fans, as a primary tool to understand the mindset of fantasy sports players. 

I taught over 50 hours of interaction design

At Wagr, I taught myself Origami Studio as a way to improve my design capabilities. I then started weekly office hours at Yahoo!, giving team members tutorials of the software and enhancing the company's design process.

I kept the lights on by crafting visuals sponsors wanted to buy

Sponsors like seeing beautiful prototypes and I knew how to polish existing modules to make them feel more fresh, colorful, and fun. This translated into significantly more partnerships compared to previous years